Abundance - Positive Thoughts Create Positive Outcomes - Go after what you want!

I, like most humans, can worry about things.  There were times in my life that I felt there wasn’t anything else to do but either be in a state of bliss or be in a state of dysfunction and worry.  I know now that there is a way to be more balanced, to be more present, more to creating abundance in my life. Two things do this;meditation and positive affirmations.

Meditation provides me with a tool to become more present and by living in the present, more positive.  Positivity creates abundance.  By focusing on my breath during meditation and allowing thoughts to arise and fall away, by coming back to my breath, I more quickly recognize the moments I fall into worry and distress or thinking about the past or the future. Abundance can only be created in the NOW. My now creates my tomorrow.  My now, creates my past.   Many times, thinking about the past or the future can cause people distress or propel you away to a fantasy of better times or a special moment you keep reliving but doesn’t exist anymore.

The future is created in the moment.  What I do today, right now, is creating my evening, my tomorrow.  Live in the present and live it well.  Abundance follows. 

Affirmations help me to live in the present in the best way I can and to feel good about myself while I am doing it. Affirmations also help to create an abundance mindset. 

We all have these negative tapes that we replay in our heads.  “My hair is horrible.”  “My clothes don’t fit right.”  “I can’t do this.”  As a yoga instructor, I even hear people saying them aloud!  “I am so out of shape.”  REPHRASE that!!!  “I am getting stronger….I am here doing yoga, I am soooo awesome!”

Affirmations are positive statements that you say to yourself, beliefs that you wish to change.  Some places that you could use affirmations in your life might be around your body image, your career, your relationships and your money situation. When do you hear that voice that says you can’t or you don’t?   Create positive statements for some of these.  Create abundance, possibility and growth. 

If you hear yourself saying negative things around money, maybe you need to say, “Money comes easily and frequently.”  If it is around your body image, maybe you need to say, “ I have a strong and healthy body.”  Try some.  They aren’t permanent.  You can change them but say them daily, write them down and post them around your house.  We receive so many negatives on a daily basis.  We need to remember for every negative we must hear 10 positives to counter that one negative.

Note: affirmations aren’t LIES!  Some people have said to me, Carrie, I am 30 pounds overweight, how can I say I am healthy when I really am not?  I say, what you think and say is what you become.  Thoughts become actions. Thoughts manifest beliefs.  Change your mindset and you can change your life!  See yourself eating differently, see yourself as beautiful, just as you are.   Is telling yourself how unhealthy you are helping you to achieve your abundant life?  I don’t think so.  Is worrying about a situation going to make it better?  No.  Think positive, create an affirmation for yourself and your live your abundant today!